A hero’s tale on New Year’s Eve

Grace is never about not falling
And courage has always been part fear

If it’s true everything has already been said
Then I believe it to be imperative for the Faithful to reiterate the myriad of paths forward
With our resilient voices or even whimpering whispers
To share, to remind, to encourage, to enliven

This is not the easiest language to learn
And like a crudely yet diligently crafted skill
We owe ourselves and one another

Have you forgotten you are already the hero of your own tale
I wish to share what I have witnessed of your Journey to this Now
Upon catching your breath, might I ask you to soak in my humble offering to your weary soul.

There will come a time when I may need you to gaze softly into my doubting eyes so I too may rekindle the embers that warmed me thus far.

Thank you for sheltering my heart and for allowing me to be with you along the way.

Grace is never about not falling
And courage has always been part fear  

We can only stumble forward but how else could we creatively contribute our own unique rhythm to the existential dance we call being mortal. 



